Terms and conditions
By launching an order (electronic or telephone) through the online store www.peruvision.ro, the buyer agrees with the communication policies through which the seller carries out its operations (electronic or telephone).
A launched order consists of:
- products or services found in the offer of the online store mentioned above;
- clear information regarding the invoicing, delivery data as well as other necessary information / observations;
- buyer's information for invoicing.
Placing an order (electronic or telephone) does not imply confirmation of the order. The complete steps are as follows:
– Register an order: a unique number will be automatically generated for it;
– taking an order from a sales agent, within the working hours displayed on the Contact page (schedule) on the site;
– order invoicing represents the issuance of the invoice related to the goods according to the information provided by the client;
– order completion reprezinta livrarea acesteia si se face după confirmarea livrari comenzii catre cumparator, fie fizic la sediul nostru, fie prin documente doveditoare oferite de firma de curierat.
The messages sent automatically by the system do not confirm the existence of the product in stock nor the conclusion of the Sale-Purchase contract.
The orders are taken/registered and only after confirming the availability of the product in stock, the orders are accepted and honored.
Produsele din oferta magazinului online www.peruvision.ro se pot vinde numai in baza unei comenzi. Comanda se va procesa conform pasilor mai sus mentionati in timpul programului de lucru 9:00 -13:00. O comanda neconfirmata nu presupune o rezervare a produselor. Comenzile vor fi onorate in ordinea cronologica in care au fost inregistrate in baza de date. O comanda care contine produse afisate in site cu urmatorul status: IN STOC SAU ÎNTREABĂ STOC nu pot fi onorate in cazul in care pe acelasi produs a fost inregistrata o alta comanda inaintea ei din punct de vedere cronologic si ulterior confirmata, astfel stocul epuizandu-se.
- Peruvision may grant discount vouchers, respectively discount coupons to customers based on the number of orders placed, seniority as a customer, any reviews of the site and products through comments placed, etc.
- The vouchers will be applied in case of selling certain products at a certain moment, depending on the offers presented on the site.
- The discount voucher can be given as a fixed amount or as a percentage of the price and can have a limited duration.
- The discount granted by voucher applies to the prices charged on the site or under the conditions established for different campaigns.
- In order to deliver the voucher codes from an order, it is necessary to confirm it.
- Each order can only contain 1 discount voucher. This requires confirmation for the voucher used. In the absence of confirmation, the order will be canceled automatically.
- The voucher can be used for orders placed online on the site www.peruvision.ro or by email and only for certain products that are marked on the website or when placing an order.
A customer can receive a one-time discount voucher for a placed order.
Any attempt to repeatedly use / apply a voucher in an order or the actual use / repeated application of a discount voucher in an order constitutes an attempt to defraud the seller's online order system, therefore the order may be canceled by Peruvision.
Thus, a discount voucher can be used / applied only once in an order.
The payment
Peruvision offers the following payment methods:
- payment by card through the online store www.peruvision.ro,
- cash on delivery to the courier who brings the customer's order.
Payment by card on the online store www.peruvision.ro is made in advance, online, with a bank card (Visa and MasterCard). To complete and validate the payment, the Customer will be directed to a separate, secure page for making the payment. The transaction will be processed by Netopia www.netopia-payments.com ("Payment Processor"). The Payment Processor has the obligation to ensure a level of security in accordance with the standards imposed by the legislation in force and uses the 3D Secure transaction environment.
Also, the Payment Processor is a Visa and MasterCard certified company and guarantees the confidentiality of the data entered by transmitting them in an encrypted environment. To find out more details, we invite you to access https://netopia-payments.com/politica-de-confidentialitate/
Cash on delivery to the courier is made in cash when the buyer receives the product from the courier.
Delivery of orders
Comenziile pentru produsele care se afla in stoc se vor livra fie fizic la sediul nostru din Timisoara, fie prin curierul cu care lucreaza vanzatorul, la adresa de livrare specificata de client. Daca adresa de livrare sau datele de contact nu sunt corect trimise de client, firma Peruvision nu poate fi trasa la raspundere pentru intarzierea sau ne livrare comenzii. Transmiterea datelor de livrare si facturare corecte sunt responsabilitatea clientului.
Also, if the customer is contacted by phone or email several times and on several consecutive days, before the goods are delivered, and the customer does not respond, Peruvision may delay the delivery of the order or even cancel it.
For orders that are not in stock, the term and delivery date will be established by mutual agreement with the customer, within the limits of the possibilities according to a notification sent to the customer and approved by him.
The cost of delivery will be communicated before delivery of the goods to the customer.
NOTA: Pot aparea intarzieri cauzate de: epuizarea stocului aflat in magazinul online, probleme tehnice interne sau factori externi. Termenul de livrare poate varia de la 24 de ore, la maximum 30 de zile.
Deliveries by courier are made in the shortest possible time after being informed that the package has been dispatched. The package comes with an AWB and the data of the courier company through which the order is delivered. The Peruvision company cannot be held responsible for possible delays or misunderstandings between the courier and the recipient. If you encounter any problems, please contact us.
The products sold and delivered by PERUVISION benefit from the guarantee according to the legislation in force and the commercial policies of the producers.
Through the commercial guarantee you have at your disposal free repair services from the seller or the manufacturer based on the warranty certificate issued.
The customer has the obligation to notify Peruvision, before sending a product under warranty.
Clientul are obligatia de a trimite produsul in garantie prin SAMEDAY !
Guarantee of conformity
The guarantee of conformity is the guarantee offered by the seller, according to the legislation in force. It is a period of time between 6 months and 2 years through which the seller guarantees that the product sold complies with the specifications that it has committed to sell.
The time period established for repairing the repair is a maximum of 15 calendar days from the date on which the buyer informed the seller of the lack of conformity of the product.
In accordance with OG21 / 1992 the seller is obliged to provide the consumer: warranty certificate (only for durable products), instruction manual / use / installation.
Return Merchandise
The buyer has the right to return a product, within 14 calendar days from the day he enters the physical possession of the product, without invoking any reason and without bearing other costs than delivery, according to GEO no. 34/2014.
Pentru a returna produsul trebuie sa ne informati prin e-mail la info@peruvision.ro sau completand formularul de pe pagina: „Politica de retur” (https://peruvision.ro/politica-de-retur/).
Send the products or hand them directly to us, at our headquarters in Timisoara, Str. ORAVITA Nr 2 / D, Jud. Timis, Tel. 0256-211692 or 0356-438791, without unjustified delays and, in any case, within a maximum of 14 days from the date on which you notified us of the withdrawal, and we will return your money within a maximum of 14 days of receiving the product.
The return of the products can be done through any courier company. Parcels cannot be sent by Romanian Post! Return costs are borne by the customer.
The sender is responsible for the correctness of the data entered on the transport document (AWB), as well as for the correct packaging and labeling of the packages.
Peruvision cannot be blamed for the problems arising from the transport from the customer to Peruvision.
Peruvision assumes the right to refuse the package if it shows signs of damage.
Returns will not be refunded by courier.
The return of the amounts paid will be made later by bank transfer.
If you do not opt for bank transfer, the amount will be refunded by Fan Courier, but the shipping costs will be borne by the customer. Money is not returned by Romanian Post!
Returned products must be in the same condition in which they were received by the buyer. That is, to be accompanied by the original warranty certificate and all documents and accessories with which the product was delivered. Products that have undergone unauthorized interventions, those that show signs of wear, scratches, bumps, mechanical / electrical shocks, products that lack accessories, products with broken seals or labels, products with modified software or hardware are not accepted.
For products purchased on the EMAG platform, please use the "Product return form" that can be accessed from your account on the EMAG platform, in the "My returns" section, by clicking on "Add new return request".
WEEE information
1. Waste electrical and electronic equipment (hereinafter referred to as WEEE), is the electrical and electronic equipment that constitutes waste within the meaning of point 9 of Annex no. 1 of Law no. 211/2011 on the waste regime, republished, including components, subassemblies and consumables that are an integral part of the product when it becomes waste. WEEE may contain hazardous substances that have a negative impact on the environment and human health if not collected separately.
Considering the provisions of GEO 195/2005 on environmental protection, Law no. 211/2011 on waste regime, GD no. 322/2013 on restrictions on the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment and GEO 5/2015 on equipment waste electrical and electronic, customers will consider the following:
1.1. Buyers have the obligation not to dispose of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) as unsorted municipal waste and to collect this WEEE separately.
1.2. Colectarea acestor DEEE se va efectua prin serviciul public de colectare a DEEE si prin centre de colectare organizate de operatori economici autorizati pentru colectarea DEEE.
1.3. When supplying a new product, at the buyer's request, distributors are obliged to take WEEE in a "one to one" system, free of charge, under the same conditions as the delivery of the new product, if the equipment is of an equivalent type and has performed the same functions that the new equipment provided and to inform the buyer about this possibility before purchasing the product.
1.4. Simbolul care indica faptul ca echipamentele electrice si electronice fac obiectul unei colectari separate reprezinta o pubela cu roti barata cu o cruce insotita de marcajul negru.
1.5. Pictograma indica faptul ca DEEE nu trebuie amestecate cu deseuri menajere si ca acestea fac obiectul unei colectari separate.
1.6. Informatiile fac referire la comertul online: RO-EEE-0753-2024-06-11
1.7. Pentru informatii suplimentare va rugam sa ne contactati.