Rack GN 50W Chameleon


Disponibil pe comanda

  • Rack profesional pentru statia CATV WISI Chameleon cu iesiri analogice si/sau digitale;
  • Sloturi pentru 10 module (max. 40 canale DVB-C / 20 DVB-T / 20 PAL B/G, D/K, I / 80 FM);
  • Include un switch Gigabit incorporat, ventilator, sursa de alimentare si conectica;
  • Proiectat pentru aplicatii care necesita redundanta (optional sursa redundanta).

Chameleon is a modular headend system that requires only one single type of module. The integrated components can adapt their function depending on requirements. They are designed for all current and future applications and they are ideally suited for the transition from the analogue to the digital world as well as the connection between HFC- and IP distribution platforms. Highlights: One hardware for all applications / Flexibility through software applications / Scalability in function and installation size / Stability during operation / Easy installation, commissioning and operation / Excellent performance, suitable for large network operators. WISI has configured TV networks in twelve football stadiums and the International Broadcast Center.

  • Rack profesional pentru statia CATV WISI Chameleon cu iesiri analogice si/sau digitale;
  • Sloturi pentru 10 module (max. 40 canale DVB-C / 20 DVB-T / 20 PAL B/G, D/K, I / 80 FM);
  • Include un switch Gigabit incorporat, ventilator, sursa de alimentare si conectica;
  • Proiectat pentru aplicatii care necesita redundanta (optional sursa redundanta).

Mai multe detalii aici.

SKU: 2327fdecafc9 Categorii: , ,

WISI Group



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