The WISI TANGRAM video platform is a high-density digital TV headend for contribution of digital TV via IP networks and end-to-end IPTV solutions such as video-on-demand, connected TV and OTT (Over The Top) or Web TV. The platform is highly customizable and offers advanced DVB stream processing in a small footprint 1 RU chassis concept. The TANGRAM chassis can be equipped with 6 + 1 modules. The six rear loaded modules have different functionalities, and can perform all necessary signal processing functions. Highlights: Small footprint in 1RU chassis / Hot swappable fan tray / Fully redundant concept (1+1, n+1) / Optional scrambling and multiplexing function / Redundant power supplies ensure operational capability / Each module can be equipped in every slot. WISI has configured TV networks in twelve football stadiums and the International Broadcast Center.
- Modulatie de inalta calitate IP la COFDM
- Pana la 8 canale COFDM pe 2 iesiri RF
- Parametri de semnal remarcabili datorita modulatiei digitale directe
- Intrare streaming RTP/ IP cu corectia erorilor FEC
- Densitate ridicata: 48 canale COFDM pe rack (1 RU)
- Prelucrare stream de transport DVB avansata
- Porturi de test pentru masurare / monitorizare semnalului de iesire
- Criptare Simulcrypt DVB CSA